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Default Folder X 5 0 1 Download Free

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Carenado DO228 1 files 1005 downloads Configuration Files April 1, 2020: docpan: April 1, 2020: Aerobask DA62 – 11.0.47-2.08a 1 files 1396 downloads Configuration Files June 7, 2018: Hubok June 7, 2018. Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands. You just click on the buttons to go to your favorite and recently used folders, manage the folders and files shown in.

EPF Composer 1.5.2 Downloads

System Requirements (for latest release)

  • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 10
  • Red Hat Enteprise Linux Release 4 Update 5, Release 5 or later, (note: compat-libstdc++ is needed for RHEL5) SUSE Enterprise Linux v9 or v10
  • Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.7

Release Notes For EPF Composer 1.5.2

Note: to see the download links, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.


  • Updated to Eclipse 4.2.2.

Defects Fixed

  • None.

For a complete list of all enhancements and defects addressed in this release see
EPF 1.5.2 Bugzilla


The EPF team would like to thank the following people for their contributions to this release:

  • Muhammad Atif Javed (Mälardalen University, AMASS project) for migration fixes, including Java 8/Neon dependencies, content storage problems, combo box, rich text editor styles, and export of standalone application.
  • Vishal Sharnagat (IBM/Persistent Systems Ltd) for completing 4.2.2/Java 7 migration, fixing bugs including the conflicting scheduling rule while accessing a resource (file or folder) and enhancing servlet search.
  • Priti Baldawa (IBM/Persistent Systems Ltd) for extensive testing and search improvements.
  • Mitza Aragón (IBM/Persistent Systems Ltd) for packaging the final builds.
Default Folder X 5 0 1 Download Free

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the download links.

Release Notes For EPF Composer

Note: to see the download links, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.


  • Maintained common library data format with RMC.
  • Tested on Windows 10.

Defects Fixed

  • None.

For a complete list of all enhancements and defects addressed in this release see
EPF Bugzilla

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the download links.


Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the download links.

Release Notes For EPF Composer

Note: to see the download links, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.


  • Maintained common library data format with RMC.
  • Tested on Windows 10.

Defects Fixed

  • None.

For a complete list of all enhancements and defects addressed in this release see
EPF Bugzilla

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the download links.

Release Notes For EPF Composer

Note: to see the download links, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.


  • Improved default preferences.
  • Disabled SSL, and enabled TLS for enhanced security.

Defects Fixed

  • Solved tomcat 8 search servlet error.

For a complete list of all enhancements and defects addressed in this release see
EPF Bugzilla

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the download links.

Release Notes For EPF Composer

Note: to see the download links, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.


  • Web site search improvements: search by title or element type:
    title: uma.type:<type search string><br /> For example, to find all elements of type supporting material with 'Release' in the title, use this search string:<br /> title:'Release' AND uma.type:supportingmaterial </li><li> Enhanced Rich Text Editor :<br /> Configure the underlying rich text editor browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox) through a new interface. Note: If EPF Composer is installed in Windows, the rich text editor uses Internet Explorer as the default browser. </li><li> Add or delete rows or columns to existing tables. </li></ul><h4> Defects Fixed </h4><ul><li> Remove 'WorkProductDescriptor' from Published Page </li><li> Ensure that published URLs of the descriptors brought in by variability stay the same when using configuration-free processes </li><li> Cut/Copy/Paste icon is missing in the context menu and Cut/Copy is enabled even if no text is selected </li></ul><p> For a complete list of all enhancements and defects addressed in this release see<br />EPF Bugzilla</p><p> Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the download links. </p><br /><p><br /></p><h3>Release Notes For EPF Composer</h3><p>Note: to see the download links, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.</p><h4>Enhancements</h4><ul><li>Process slots support (small but significant improvement) </li><li>Lazy updating of configurations when new contents packages and process packages are added into plug-ins. This will minimize implication when library is under SCM control </li><li>Provide a template to customize the expand or collapse states on sections in web pages </li></ul><h4>Defects Fixed</h4><li>MS Project export issues </li><li>Multiple publishing fixes for process only publishing </li>XSL style sheets fix <p>For a complete list of all enhancements and defects addressed in this release see<br /> EPF Bugzilla</p><p>Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the download links. </p><h3>Release Notes For EPF Composer</h3><p>Note: to see the download links, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.</p><h4>Enhancements</h4><ul><li>Upgrade the Eclipse platform to 3.6.2 </li><li>Publish page layout XSL style sheet enhancements </li></ul><h4>Defects Fixed</h4><p>For a complete list of all defects addressed in this release see<br /> EPF Bugzilla</p><h3>Release Notes For EPF Composer</h3><h4>Enhancements</h4><ul><li>Add elements node in configuration editor </li><li>Provide a supporting package feature </li><li>Improve Add view performance in configuration editor </li></ul><p>For a complete list of all defects addressed in this release see<br /> EPF Bugzilla</p><h3>Release Notes For EPF Composer</h3><h2 id='default-folder-x-5-0-1-download-free-episodes'>Default Folder X 5 0 1 Download Free Episodes</h2><h4>Defects Fixed</h4><b>Usability</b><ul><li>The 'Add View' dialog now shows owning plug-in for each category. Custom Categories can now be moved across plug-ins. </li><li>Plug-in ownership of custom categories indicated in normal/italic text. </li><li>Multiple elements can now be moved across plug-ins via multi-select/move. </li><li>Relaxed plug-in dependency rules and enhanced library validation and quick-fix for un-declared plug-in dependencies and circular dependencies. </li><li>'Expand All/Collapse All' simplifies selection for MS Project export. </li><li>Elements assigned to Practices and Deliverables now show links to owning elements (back-links). </li><li>Text now wraps in activity diagram decision symbols. </li><li>Guidance elements are now included in MS Project Export. </li></ul><p><b>Publishing</b></p><ul><li>It is now possible to include rich content (ex. Videos, embed code, javascript) in published pages. No HTML coding skills required, just paste embed code into editor available on RTE toolbar. </li></ul><p>For a complete list of all defects addressed in this release see<br /> EPF Bugzilla</p><h3>Release Notes For EPF Composer</h3><h4>Defects Fixed</h4><ul><li>Exporting to MS Project does not work for configuration free processes yet</li><li>When EPF libraries from previous releases are migrated to EPF 1.5.1, vertical lines in activity diagrams might get distorted slightly, that is, no longer aligned vertically.</li><li>For a complete list of all defects addressed in this release see<br /> EPF Bugzilla</li></ul><h3>Release Notes For EPF Composer 1.5.1</h3><h4>New Features and Key Improvements</h4><ul><li><b>Configuration free processes</b></li><li><b>Automatic synchronization processes</b></li><li><b>Work product state definition and work product descriptor state assignment</b></li></ul><h4>Known Issues</h4><ul><li>Exporting to MS Project does not work for configuration free processes yet</li><li>When EPF libraries from previous releases are migrated to EPF 1.5.1, vertical lines in activity diagrams might get distorted slightly, that is, no longer aligned vertically.</li></ul><h4>Defects Fixed</h4><ul><li>For a complete list of all defects addressed in this release see<br /> EPF 1.5.1 Bugzilla</li></ul><h3>Release Notes For EPF Composer 1.5.0</h3><h4>New Features and Key Improvements</h4><ul><li><b>Slots: modeling concept for separation of concerns for practices</b></li><li><b>Slot fulfillment concept to realize 'late-binding' of i/o relationships</b></li><li><b>Ability to attach guidance to any process element</b></li><li><b>Extended custom categories to select elements by type</b></li><li><b>Improved tree-browser based editing and copying of custom categories</b></li><li><b>Configuration editor: additional message filters & performance improvements</b></li><li><b>New optional form field: External ID</b></li><li><b>Navigation tree for practice: publish all practices in one common look and feel</b></li><li><b>Additional publication options to simplify navigation structures</b></li><li><b>Additional publication options for showing Process Usage</b></li><li><b>'Expand all' button for published Work Breakdown Structures</b></li><li><b>Command-line publishing: start EPFC without a UI to run in batch jobs</b></li><li><b>Made EPF's Rich Text Editor a separate Eclipse Feature to make it reusable for other Eclipse projects</b></li></ul><h4>Known Issues</h4><ul><li>By default, Firefox 1.x on RedHat and SuSE Linux disable updates to the browser's status bar. This default setting needs to be changed in order for the rich text editors to function properly on these platforms. To change the default setting do the following: <blockquote><br />1. Log on with administrative (root) privileges. <br />2. Locate the firefox.js file by executing the following command: <code>find / -name firefox.js</code>.<br />3. Navigate to the directory containing the <code>firefox.js</code> file. <br />4. Make the <code>firefox.js</code> file writable. <br />5. Edit the <code>firefox.js</code> file with a text editor and change the security preference 'dom.disable_window_status_change' preference from 'true' to 'false'. <br />For example: <code>pref('dom.disable_windows_status_change', false);</code><br />6. Save and exit. <br /></blockquote><b>WARNING:</b> this may expose your system to a security risk. Please consult your local IT support team for guidance with this issue. </li><li>The publish wizard on Linux systems is too large to show all options when the screen resolution is set to 1024 x 768. Users on this platform should adjust their resolution to 1280 x 1024.</li><li>Cheatsheets and Online Help are not localized.</li><li>Refer to the detailed CM Support Notes for caveats and usability issues on CM Support in EPF Composer.</li></ul><h2 id='default-folder-x-5-0-1-download-free-torrent'>Default Folder X 5 0 1 Download Free Torrent</h2><h4>Defects Fixed</h4><ul><li>For a complete list of all defects addressed in this release see<br /> EPF 1.5.0 Bugzilla</li></ul><h3>Linux Installation Instructions</h3><ul><li>For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, install the <strong>compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61.i386.rpm</strong> package if not already installed.</li><li>Expand the downloaded archive file</li><li>Set <b>MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME</b> to the directory of Mozilla or Firefox libraries</li><li>Change to <b>epf-composer</b> folder</li><li>Start the program named <b>epf</b><br /> It may be necessary to use the <b>-vm</b> argument to point EPF Composer at the correct JRE<br /> Example: <code>./epf -vm /usr/local/j2re1.5/bin/java</code></li></ul><br /><h3>Windows Installation Instructions</h3><ul><li>Expand the downloaded zip file</li><li>Change to <b>epf-composer</b> folder and start the program named <b>epf.exe</b></li></ul><h2 id='ios-501-download'>Ios 5.0.1 Download</h2><br /><h3>Download</h3><table width='100%'><tbody><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF 1.5.2</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 99 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 4, 2018 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF 1.5.2 </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 96 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 4, 2018 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF 1.5.2 </strong> (Linux/GTK 64 bit) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 96 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 4, 2018 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature 1.5.2</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 579 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 4, 2018 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature 1.5.2</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 556 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 4, 2018 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 85 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 21, 2016 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 87 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 21, 2016 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 579 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 21, 2016 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 556 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 21, 2016 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 85 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jul. 22, 2015 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 87 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jul. 22, 2015 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 579 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jul. 22, 2015 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 556 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jul. 22, 2015 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 85 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jan. 22, 2014 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 87 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jan. 22, 2014 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 579 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jan. 22, 2014 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 556 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jan. 22, 2014 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 86 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Dec. 10, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 89 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Dec. 10, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 553 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Dec. 10, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 532 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Dec. 10, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF (Win32) </strong></td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 86 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 1, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF (Linux/GTK) </strong></td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 89 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 1, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 553 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 1, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature (Linux/GTK) </strong></td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 532 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> June 1, 2012 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 86 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 30, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 89 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 30, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF Richtext Feature (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 553 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 30, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF Richtext Feature (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 532 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 30, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 83 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jun. 10, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 85 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jun. 10, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF Richtext Feature (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 553 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jun. 10, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'> EPF Richtext Feature (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 532 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Jun. 10, 2011 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 85 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 19, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 87 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 19, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 545 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 19, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 524 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Nov. 19, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF 1.5.1 </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 85 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Sept. 30, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF 1.5.1 </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 87 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Sept. 30, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature 1.5.1 </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 545 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Sept. 30, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature 1.5.1 </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 524 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> Sept. 30, 2010 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 09 Oct 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 09 Oct 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 09 Oct 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 09 Oct 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 16 July 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 16 July 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 16 July 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 16 July 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 18 Dec 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 18 Dec 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 18 Dec 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 18 Dec 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 28 Oct 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 28 Oct 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong> EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 28 Oct 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature </strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 28 Oct 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF 1.5.0</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 25 Aug 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF 1.5.0</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 78 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 25 Aug 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong> EPF Richtext Feature 1.5.0</strong> (Win32) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 25 Aug 2008 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>EPF Richtext Feature 1.5.0</strong> (Linux/GTK) </td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 518 kB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 25 Aug 2008 </td></tr></tbody></table><h3>NLS Plugin and Feature Overlay Download</h3><table width='100%'><tbody><tr><td width='25%'><strong>NLS Pack for EPF </strong></td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 20 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 19 October 2009 </td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><strong>NLS Pack for EPF 1.5 to EPF</strong></td><td width='25%'>Download</td><td width='25%'> 20 MB </td><td width='25%' align='right' nowrap='> 11 June 2009 </td></tr></tbody></table><br /><div>Freeware </div><div>Windows/Android</div><div>27.1 MB</div><div>603,879</div><h2 id='default-folder-x-5-0-1-download-free-download'>Default Folder X 5 0 1 Download Free Download</h2><p>Designed from the ground up to support the latest GPU technologies, EVGA Precision X redefines what overclocking software should be. This program allows you to fine tune your EVGA graphics card, including GPU Clock speed, GPU Voltage, Memory Clock speed and Fan speed.</p><p>Want to watch what your graphics card is doing in your favorite game? Load up the integrated monitoring and see all your graphics card vitals from right inside your game.</p><p>Want to setup a custom Fan Curve? Hit the Fan Curve button and set up a custom Fan Slope. Compatible with nearly every EVGA graphics card.</p><p><em>The EVGA Precision X Android App connects to the host PC via Bluetooth.</em></p><p><strong>Features:</strong></p><ul><li>GPU and Memory Frequency/Clock Offset</li><li>Power Target Control (GeForce GTX 680)</li><li>Frame Rate Target Control</li><li>GPU Voltage Adjustment</li><li>Fan Control/Fan Curve</li><li>Profiling system allowing up to 10 profiles with optional hotkey</li><li>Robust monitoring allowing ingame, system tray, and/or Logitech LCD monitoring</li><li>In game screenshot hotkey, supports BMP, PNG and JPG formats</li><li>Multi-language support: English, Dutch, French, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian</li></ul><p><strong>System Requirements:</strong></p><h2 id='default-folder-x-5-0-1-download-free-full-version'>Default Folder X 5 0 1 download free. full Version</h2><ul><li>Microsoft Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista</li><li>GeForce 600, 500, 400 or 200 series graphics card</li><li>GeForce GTX TITAN, 900, 700, 600 series</li></ul><p><strong>What's New:</strong></p><ul><li>Android version updated to 1.3.0</li><li>Fixes crashing issue on some Windows 10 systems with OSD enabled.</li><li>Fixed bug with voltage tuner not saving voltage on reboot</li><li>RivaTuner Statistics Server distributive has been upgraded to version 5.2.0</li><li>New Default Skin, legacy skins are available from the Options > User Interface tab</li><li>Improved NVAPI access layer architecture with better extendibility</li><li>Improved hardware monitoring module architecture with better extendibility</li><li>Added temperature limit, power limit, voltage limit, maximum overvoltage limit and GPU utilization limit graphs to hardware monitoring module for release 320 and newer NVIDIA driver. The graphs help you to understand the reasons of realtime performance limitations (e.g. limiting performance due to reaching power target) on GPU Boost compatible graphics cards</li><li>Added framebuffer, video engine and bus controller usage graphs to hardware monitoring module</li><li>Added generic NVAPI videomemory usage monitoring for NVIDIA graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop (e.g. dedicated PhysX accelerators)</li><li>Updated power reporting for release 320 and newer NVIDIA drivers. Now EVGA Precision X reports normalized total power according to NVIDIA recommendations</li><li>Now RivaTuner Statistics Server installer is being started by EVGA Precision X installer to make installation process easier for beginners. The server distributive is being copied to .RedistRTSSSetup.exe during EVGA Precision X installation, so you may always install it later if necessary</li><li>Added workaround for missing tray icon when starting application while EXPLORER.EXE is not responding</li><li>Application tray icon is now being restored after restarting EXPLORER.EXE</li><li>Build number is now displayed in 'i' window and in application tray icon tooltip</li><li>Localizable installer files for third party translators are now included in distributive in .SDKLocalizationInstaller folder</li><li>RivaTuner Statistics Server distributive has been upgraded to version 5.1.2: <ul><li>Added update checking system</li><li>Added version checking system to installer. Now the installer is giving you a warning when you're trying to install older or reinstall currently installed version of the server</li><li>Added client notification system to installer. Now the installer is notifying client applications like EVGA Precision in the end of the server installation process to allow the clients to restart themselves</li><li>Added workaround for missing tray icon when starting application while EXPLORER.EXE is not responding</li><li>Application tray icon is now being restored after restarting EXPLORER.EXE</li><li>Fixed issue with newly added profiles not being automatically selected in the profiles list</li><li>Added keyboard navigation support for profiles list</li><li>Added On-Screen Display profile for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault</li><li>Improved reboot notifications for locked files installation/uninstallation</li><li>Now RivaTuner Statistics Server prevents attempts to start application without rebooting the system in case of using delayed locked files update scenario during installation</li><li>Added screen capture support for fullscreen Direct3D7 and DirectDraw applications (windowed mode is not supported). Please take a note that DirectDraw and Direct3D7 hooking is disabled by default in global profile, it is recommended to enable DirectDraw and Direct3D7 hooking at application profile level instead of enabling it globally</li><li>Build number is now displayed in application tray icon tooltip</li><li>Localizable installer files for third party translators are now included in distributive in .SDKLocalizationInstaller folder</li><li>Updated profiles list</li></ul></li><li>Now RivaTuner Statistics Server version is displayed in 'i' window</li><li>Now it is possible to override group names for values displayed in the On-Screen Display or in Logitech keyboard LCD display</li><li>'Show system time' option now longer depend on On-Screen Display header or any hardware monitoring item visibility</li></ul><div><h3>Software similar to EVGA Precision X <span>7</span></h3></div><ul><li><div><span>258</span> votes </div><div><div> This application will let you benchmark and overclock your system components. </div><ul><li> Freeware </li><li> Windows </li></ul></div></li><li><div><span>186</span> votes </div><div><div> The easiest way to optimize your games and keep your Nvidia drivers up to date. </div><ul><li> Freeware </li><li> Windows </li></ul></div></li><li><div><span>227</span> votes </div><div><div> This software allows you to fine tune your Nvidia graphics card, maximizing cooling and performance. With a brand new layout, completely new codebase, new features and more, the new EVGA Precision X1 software is faster, easier and better than ever. </div><ul><li> Freeware </li><li> Windows </li></ul></div></li></ul><br><br><br><br>
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